Call for evaluators is now closed!

The call for evaluators for the INCIRCULAR Cascade Funding Call is now closed! A huge thank you to everyone who expressed interest…
Webinar – predstavitev javnega razpisa o financiranju inovativnih projektov INCIRCULAR

V sklopu javnega razpisa INCIRCULAR – Opolnomočenje MSP-jev za povečanje industrijskih krožnih naložb, bo projekt INCIRCULAR organiziral spletni seminar za mala in srednja slovenska podjetja. Vabimo vse zainterisirane MSP-je, ki delujejo na področju plastike in krožnega gospodarstva, da se pridružite webinarju in ujamete priložnost za so-financiranje vaših inovativnih projektov do 60.000€, ki so na voljo v okviru projekta INCIRCULAR.
Webinaire de presentation IN CIRCULAR cascade funding

Dans le cadre du lancement de l’appel ouvert INICIRCULAR – Donner aux PME les moyens d’accroître l’investissement circulaire industriel, le projet INCIRCULAR organisera un webinaire pour les PME d’Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Les PME actives dans le domaine des plastiques et de l’économie circulaire sont invitées à participer à notre webinaire et à s’informer sur les possibilités de financement pouvant atteindre 60 000 euros disponibles dans le cadre du projet INCIRCULAR.
Webinar de presentación de la convocatoria abierta de financiación de INCIRCULAR

Como continuación al lanzamiento de la convocatoria abierta de INICIRCULAR – Capacitar a las pymes para aumentar la inversión industrial circular, el proyecto INCIRCULAR va a organizar un webinar para PYMEs en Andalucía. Las PYME que operan en el campo de los plásticos y la economía circular están invitadas a participar en nuestro seminario web para conocer las oportunidades de financiación de hasta 60.000 euros disponibles a través del proyecto INCIRCULAR.
INCIRCULAR Holds First Cross-Regional Networking Session in Lyon

INCIRCULAR successfully organised its first Cross-Regional Networking Session. Under the title “A Circular Future with Plastics: Fostering EU Project Synergies” the event hosted presentations of “sister projects” and a panel discussion.
Call for evaluators – Apply now!

The INCIRCULAR project is looking for external evaluators to review proposals received in the framework of INCIRCULAR cascade funding call to ensure the best possible expertise in the evaluation process, so that applications are assessed in a transparent and consistent way.
INCIRCULAR first Emulation Session in Lyon, France

NCIRCULAR project will organise an emulation session in Lyon, France, on September 12th, 2024. Under the title “A Circular Future with Plastics: Fostering EU Project Synergies”
INCIRCULAR Cascade Funding Info Day Registration is Open!

Are you an SME with a game-changing idea in plastics research, innovation, and technology? The INCIRCULAR project invites you to the launch of its cascade funding
INCIRCULAR project featured in French media

The INCIRCULAR project is making waves in the industry as our French team members have been featured in two interviews, amplifying the project’s reach and impact within the specialised media landscape in France.
INCIRCULAR: Pioneering a sustainable future in plastics

In the face of growing environmental concerns, INCIRCULAR emerges as a beacon of innovation and sustainability in the plastics industry.